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Although the prevention of cardiovascular disease is a very important task, there has been relatively little social interest and investment. With the aging of Korean society and lifestyle changes, the prevention of cardiovascular diseases is becoming more important day by day, and the necessity of nurturing various professional personnel and joint research is growing even more.

Against this background, for systematic and professional academic activities, on March 9, 2010, scholars in clinical medicine, preventive medicine, nutrition, kinesiology, and public health and experts from related institutions such as related government agencies gathered to establish the “Korean Society for the Prevention of Cardiocerebrovascular Disease”. Founded.

Korean Society of Cardiovascular Disease Prevention (KSCP)
1) Support for academic research and exchanges on the prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
2) Nurturing research manpower in the field of cardiovascular disease prevention and supporting new researchers;
3) Advice and support for the government’s cardiovascular disease prevention policy;
4) The purpose is to promote and educate the public for the prevention of cardiovascular disease.

We are looking for members to participate in the prevention of cardiovascular disease.

After downloading the membership form by clicking the button below, please send it to the conference email (kscpmd@kscpmd.or.kr).

(04790) #805, 99, Seongsuil-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul (Seongsu-dong 1-ga, Seoul Forest AK Valley Knowledge Industry Center)
- E-mail: kscpmd@kscpmd.or.kr
- TEL: 02-6408-1505

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